Homepage German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group




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The DTTG was founded on 28 March 1972 in Kiel from a working group "Clay minerals" at this time funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. The DTTG is a society registered in Germany under "German clay and clay minerals group" at the registry office Cologne. The DTTG is the community of clay researchers and users particularly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The society business is led by the executive committee. At least every two years a meeting of the members takes place. The society pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes.


Contact information
Dr. Michael Plötze
ETH Zurich
IGT - ClayLab
CH-8093 Zürich

Executive board <
President: Dr. Michael Plötze ETH Zurich, IGT, ClayLab
Vice president and Secretary: Prof. Dr. H. Albert Gilg TU Munich, Engineering Geology
Treasurer: Dr. Kristian Ufer Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Hannover

Advisory board
Dr. Jan Dietel State Laboratory Berlin-Brandenburg
Prof. Dr. Katja Emmerich KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dr. Stephan Kaufhold Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Hannover
Prof. Dr. Ines Mulder Ruhr-University Bochum
Webmaster: Dr. Markus Peltz LfU Bayern, Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Laurence Warr University Greifswald
student representative Wolfgang Zucha ETH Zurich
Past presidents
Dr. Georg Grathoff University Greifswald
Dr. Matthias Schellhorn Stephan Schmidt KG, Dornburg
update: 17 Oct 2024
Web-Moderator M. Plötze